Tutorial Title: Online Trust and Reputation Systems
This tutorial provides an introduction to online trust and reputation systems. By attending the tutorial you will get a good understanding of the concepts of trust and reputation, will know the most prominent methods for modelling, analyzing and computing trust and reputation, will understand how trust and reputation systems can be integrated with applications on the Internet, will appreciate the limitations of trust and reputation systems, and will have a good overview of research challenges in this area.
The tutorial will be delivered by Dr. Audun Jøsang who is Professor at the University of Oslo / UNIK Graduate Center, and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology in Australia.
Prof. Jøsang considered as one of the leading international experts in the rapidly growing area of trust and reputation systems.
The First International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats(MIST 2009)
Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, June 15-19, 2009 (In Conjunction with IFIPTM 2009)
During the past decades, information security developments have been mainly concerned with preventing illegal attacks by outsiders, such as hacking, virus propagation, and spyware. However, according to a recent Gartner Research Report, information leakage caused by insiders who are legally authorized to have access to some corporate information is increasing dramatically. These leakages can cause significant damages such as weakening the competitiveness of companies (and even countries). Information leakage caused by insiders occurs less frequently than information leakage caused by outsiders, but the financial damage is much greater. Countermeasures in terms of physical, managerial, and technical aspects are necessary to construct an integral security management system to protect companies' major information assets from unauthorized internal attackers. The objective of this workshop is to showcase the most recent challenges and advances in security technologies and management systems to prevent leakage of organizations' information caused by insiders. It may also include state-of-the-art surveys and case analyses of practical significance. We expect that the workshop will be a trigger for further research and technology improvements related to this important subject.
Topics (include but not limited to)
-Theoretical foundations and algorithms for addressing insider threats
-Insider threat assessment and modelling
-Security technologies to prevent, detect and avoid insider threats
-Validating the trustworthiness of staff
-Post-insider threat incident analysis
-Data breach modelling and mitigation techniques
-Registration, authentication and identification
-Certification and authorization
-Database security
-Device control system
-Digital forensic system
-Digital right management system
-Fraud detection
-Network access control system
-Intrusion detection
-Keyboard information security
-Information security governance
-Information security management systems
-Risk assessment and management
-Log collection and analysis
-Trust management
-IT compliance (audit)
-Continuous auditing
Important dates
Paper Submission deadline: March 22, 2009
Acceptance notification: April 22, 2009
Camera-ready due: April 30, 2009
For further information regarding the workshop and paper submission, please contact hbchang@daejin.ac.kr.