Call for Papers
IFIPTM 2009 invites submissions presenting novel research on all topics related to Trust, Security and Privacy, including but not limited to those listed below:
- Trust models, formalization, specification, analysis and reasoning
- Reputation systems and architectures
- Engineering of trustworthy and secure software
- The ethics, sociology and psychology of trust
- Security management and usability issues including security configuration
- Trust management frameworks for secure collaborations
- Language security
- Security, trust and privacy for service oriented architectures and composite applications
- Security, trust and privacy for software as a service (SaaS)
- Security, trust and privacy for Web 2.0 Mashups
- Security, privacy, and trust as a service
- Legal issues related to the management of trust
- Semantically-aware security management
- Adaptive security policy management
- Mobile security
- Anonymity and privacy vs. accountability
- Critical infrastructure protection, public safety and emergency management
- Privacy and identity management in e-services
- Biometrics, national ID cards, identity theft
- Robustness of trust and reputation systems
- Distributed trust and reputation management systems
- Human computer interaction aspects of privacy, security & trust
- Applications of trust and reputation management in e-services
- Trusted platforms and trustworthy systems
All submissions must reflect original work and must adequately document any overlap with previously published or simultaneously submitted papers from any of the authors. Failure to clearly document such overlaps can lead to automatic rejection. In particular, simultaneous submission of the same paper to another conference with proceedings or a journal is not allowed. If authors have any doubts regarding such overlaps, they should contact the program chair prior to submission.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, to be published by Springer under the auspices of the IFIP WG 11.11 on Trust Management. Submissions must be in English and conform to the “IFIP Series” format. See for templates (MS Word or Latex only). Papers should not exceed 16 pages. Submission will be through the IFIPTM 2009 website.
Previous iTrust and IFIPTM conferences have become popular focal points for co-located workshops and technical tutorials on topics related to trust, security and privacy. Continuing this trend, IFIPTM 2009, to be held at Purdue University, USA, plans to feature a number of co-located workshops and tutorials. Proposals for workshops and tutorials are hereby invited and should be submitted to Workshop and Tutorial Chairs (Anupam Datta and Yuko Murayama) and Program Chairs (Elena Ferrari and Ninghui Li).
Call for Demonstrations
The IFIPTM 2009 Program Committee solicits proposals for the Demonstration Session for IFIPTM 2009. Members from all areas of Privacy, Security and Trust Management are invited to submit Demonstration proposals. IFIPTM 2009 plans to have up to 10 demonstrations.
IFIPTM 2009 Demonstrations should demonstrate to attendees innovative solutions to major and significant topics on Privacy, Security and Trust Management addressed by the IFIPTM 2009 conference; see further details on the conference webpage.
Demonstrations should exhibit new research results and projects, industrial products, explore new business models, or illustrate new governmental frameworks and policies. They should allow members of the community to interactively discover and explore new paradigms or solutions through motivated examples.
Demonstration proposals for IFIPTM 2009 should detail:
- The title, aims and learning outcomes of the demonstration;
- The names, affiliations, postal address, phone and fax numbers, email addresses and a short biography (detailing in particular previous demonstrations given) of the demonstrators; if multiple demonstration organizers, one of the organizers should be identified as primary contact.
- The specific topics that will be addressed by the demonstration;
- A description of the method of presentation and a short paper / extended abstract describing the topic of the demonstration;
- How relevant this demonstration is to the conference, including to whom it would be of interest (and why) and any pre-requisites;
- The innovation of the solution to be demonstrated;
- The likely business or societal impact of solution to be demonstrated
- Specifics requirements such as equipment or audio-visual needed or special room.
Demonstration proposals must be in English; they should not exceed 3 pages and should be emailed in PDF or plain ASCII text to the Demonstration Chair (Theo Dimitrakos,;) and Program Chairs (Elena Ferrari, and Ninghui Li, by February 27th. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by March 9th.
Demonstration proposals will be evaluated on various criteria, including: relevance and significance to the conference topics; coverage of the topics from a theoretical and practical point of view; innovation; likely commercial and/or societal impact of the result, quality of presentation; and the balance and capacity of the conference demonstration program.
For the accepted demonstration proposals, IFIPTM 2009 will be responsible for:
- Determining in conjunction with the organizers the demonstration date / time;
- Providing a meeting place and logistical support for the demonstration;
- Printing posters upon the request of the demonstration organisers. Posters will have to be 36"x44"; If printing is required the content will have to be provided in advance in PDF or PPT format.
- Providing high-quality wireless connectivity
- Providing easels for demonstration organisers to display posters;
IFIPTM 2009 will not make machines available. Demonstration organisers will have to bring their own laptops or servers for the demonstration.
Demonstration organizers will be responsible for:
- Bringing their own servers or laptops at IFIPTM 2009 with the demonstration configured.
- Finalising the demonstration material and providing it to the Demonstration chair by May 1st.
Should you require any further information, please contact the Demonstration Chair (Theo Dimitrakos
Important Dates:
Demonstration Proposals:
Submission Deadline: February 27, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: March 9, 2009
Camera-ready Due: March 17, 2009
Final content for Demonstrations: May 1, 2009
IFIPTM 2009: June 15-19, 2009
Demonstration Chair:
Theo Dimitrakos, BT Innvoate, UK,
Call for Workshops and Tutorials
In 2007, the iTrust and PST conferences came together as the first annual meeting and conference of the newly formed IFIP Working Group on Trust Management (IFIP WG 11.11). IFIPTM 2007 and 2009 provided global platforms for reporting research, development, policy and practice in the interdependent areas of Trust, Security, and Privacy. IFIPTM 2009 will continue to provide a forum for presenting research results and innovative ideas in these areas.
Call for Workshops
The Program Committee solicits proposals for the Workshop Program for IFIPTM 2009.
Members from all areas of Privacy, Security and Trust Management are invited to submit Workshop proposals. Workshops will last half-a-day or one day and will be held on June 15th, before the start of the main technical program.
IFIPTM 2009 workshops should stimulate and facilitate an atmosphere of active and constructive exchange on current issues of interest. They should allow members of the community to compare and discuss approaches, methods, and concepts about specific topics addressed by the IFIPTM 2009 conference. It is expected that the conference will contain tracks on Trust Management, Privacy and Policy, Security, Public Safety and National Security, and Mobile and Emerging Technologies. See further details on the conference webpage (
Workshop proposals for IFIPTM 2009 should detail:
- The title, goals and duration of the workshop;
- The specific topics that will be addressed by the workshop;
- How relevant and significant this workshop is to the conference, including to whom it would be of interest (and why) and the expected range of number of participants;
- A draft workshop call for papers with:
- The names, affiliations, postal address, phone and fax numbers, email addresses and previous workshop/conference responsibilities of the workshop organizers, who must be recognized experts in the related topics and from multiple institutions; one of the organizers should be identified as primary contact;
- The schedule for organizing the workshop;
- The paper selection process;
- A list of potential Program Committee members, with their affiliations;
- Any reference to previous public events (workshop, conference, etc.) in relation with the workshop proposal.
Workshop proposals must be in English, should not exceed 3 pages and should be emailed in plain ASCII text to the Workshop Chair (Anupam Datta, and Program Chairs (Ninghui Li,; Elena Ferrari, by Jan 12, 2009. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by Jan 26, 2009. Workshop proposals will be evaluated on various criteria, including the quality and level of detail of the proposal, and the balance and capacity of the conference workshop program.
For the accepted workshop proposals, IFIPTM 2009 will be responsible for:
- Determining, in conjunction with the workshop organizers, the workshop date and time;
- Providing a meeting place and logistical support for the workshop;
- Printing workshop notes and distributing them to the participants.
Workshop organizers will be responsible for:
- Finalizing and advertising the call for papers;
- Setting up a website for the workshop;
- Organizing the paper selection process and ensure that deadlines are met;
- Providing the workshop notes to the Workshops chair by May 10th.
To cover costs, it will be necessary to charge workshop participants a workshop fee, with a discount for those attending the main IFIPTM 2009 conference. IFIPTM 2009 will also aim to contribute towards the cost of travel and/or accommodation of the workshop organizers, depending on the budgetary constraints. IFIPTM 2009 reserves the right to cancel any workshop if deadlines are missed, if too few submissions are received, or if too few attendees register for the workshop to support the costs of holding it.
Should you require any further information, please contact the Workshop Chair (Anupam Datta,
Call for Tutorials
The IFIPTM 2009 Program Committee solicits proposals for the Tutorial Program for IFIPTM 2009. Members from all areas of Privacy, Security and Trust Management are invited to submit Tutorial proposals. Tutorials will last half-a-day or one day and will be held on June 16th, and possibly June 17th, before the start of the main technical program.
IFIPTM 2009 Tutorials should introduce attendees to major and significant topics on Privacy, Security and Trust Management addressed by the IFIPTM 2009 conference, see further details on the conference webpage.
Tutorials should survey, explain and discuss research works and projects, industrial products and markets, or governmental frameworks and policies. They should allow members of the community to interactively gain specialist knowledge or skills, discover new paradigms or problematics through motivated examples, compare existing approaches and concepts, and possibly put them in practice. Tutorials should cover a varied range of issues and not be used to promote a single research approach or a product.
Tutorial proposals for IFIPTM 2009 should detail:
- The title, aims and learning outcomes of the tutorial;
- The names, affiliations, postal address, phone and fax numbers, email addresses and a short biography (detailing in particular teaching and previous tutorials given) of the tutorial organizers, who must be recognized experts in the related topics; if multiple tutorial organizers, one of the organizers should be identified as primary contact;
- The specific topics that will be addressed by the tutorial;
- How relevant and significant this workshop is to the conference, including to whom it would be of interest (and why), the expected range of number of attendees, and any pre-requisites;
- A description of the method of presentation and draft abstract, table of content with an estimate of items duration and bibliography of the tutorial;
- Specifics requirements such as equipment or audio-visual needed or special room.
Tutorial proposals must be in English, should not exceed 3 pages and should be emailed in plain ASCII text to the Tutorial Chair (Yuko Murayama, and Program Chairs (Elena Ferrari,; Ninghui Li, by Jan 12th. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal by Jan 26th.Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on various criterion, including: relevance and significance to the conference topics; coverage of the topics from a theoretical and practical point of view; presentation and user-friendliness; and the balance and capacity of the conference tutorial program. For the accepted tutorial proposals, IFIPTM 2009 will be responsible for:
- Determining in conjunction with the tutorial organizers the tutorial date and time;
- Providing a meeting place and logistical support for the tutorial;
- Printing tutorial notes and distributing them to the attendees.
Tutorial organizers will be responsible for:
- Finalizing the tutorial notes and providing them to the Workshops chair by May 10th.
To cover costs, it will be necessary to charge tutorial participants a tutorial fee, with a discount for those attending the main IFIPTM 2009 conference. IFIPTM 2009 will also aim to contribute towards the cost of travel and/or accommodation of the tutorial organizers, depending on the budgetary constraints. IFIPTM 2009 reserves the right to cancel any tutorial if deadlines are missed, or if too few attendees register for the tutorial to support the costs of holding it.
General Chairs:
Yuecel Karabulut, SAP Research, USA,
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA,
Program Chairs:
Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy,
Nighui Li, Purdue University, USA,
Workshop Chair:
Anupam Datta, Carnegie Mellon University, USA,
Demonstrator Chair:
Theo Dimitrakos, BT Group CTO, UK
Tutorial Chair:
Yuko Murayama, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan,
Important Dates:
Research and Industrial Papers (Extended):
Submission Deadline: January 14, 2009
Submission Deadline: January 19, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: February 24, 2009
Camera-Ready Due: March 16, 2009
Demonstrator Proposals:
Submission Deadline: February 27, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: March 9, 2009
Camera-Ready Due: March 17, 2009
Workshop and Tutorial Proposals:
Submission Deadline: January 12, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: January 26, 2009
Final Workshop Paper and Tutorials due: April 30, 2009
Workshops and Tutorials: June 15-19, 2009