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Crispin Cowan's StackGuard is a modified compiler which places canaries (the term canary can be used interchangeable with our use of the term cookie) around the return pointer in function prolog. A buffer overflow will modify the canary on its way to overwriting the adjacent return pointer. If the function epilog detects a dirty canary, it rightly infers that an exploit has occurred, it logs the exploit and it aborts the program [4].

StackGuard can also XOR a random canary into the return address in the function prolog and XOR the canary out in the epilog. This should cause an undetected corrupt return pointer to dump core instead of executing the exploit code.

Another technique called MemGuard was described in the same paper as StackGuard. MemGuard designates the return address on the stack of an x86 machine as a ``quasi-invariant.'' It only allows a store to that memory location through the MemGuard API. This involved marking the entire stack page read-only during function prolog, and unprotecting the page during the epilog. A special trap handler was installed in the kernel to emulate the writes to the stack locations near the return address that were unfortunate enough to fall on the same virtual memory page. MemGuard proved to impose an inordinate overhead.

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