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Return-Address Stack

The pinnacle incarnation of StackGhost would implement what processor architects call a ``return-address stack''. To improve unconditional branch prediction, modern processors keep a FIFO stack in silicon of the return addresses of function calls [15,11,3]. Every time a CALL instruction is executed, its return address is pushed onto the stack. Every time a RETURN instruction enters the pipeline, the next address is popped off the stack and the processor continues fetching from the associated address seamlessly. A few cycles later, the real return address will be established and the processor can recover from a misprediction if need be.

We shall describe the theory developed to date. Our design criteria are as follows:

  1. The mechanism must break no standard or common software.
  2. The mechanism must guarantee the detection of a smashed stack.
  3. The mechanism must kill any process with a corrupt stack.
  4. The mechanism must have negligible memory utilization.
  5. The mechanism must be implementable and debugable.

An obvious first approach might be to build in a return-address stack as a FIFO queue just as is done in hardware. Unfortunately, something so simple would break userland threading, setjmp() and longjmp(), and possibly C++ exceptions. Setjmp(), longjmp() and C++ exceptions introduce the problem that multiple return addresses can be bypassed by a deep multi-level return. This can be solved by scanning the entire stack until the return address can be located. Userland threading introduces a similar situation. When a thread relinquishes the processor to a sibling thread, it switches to a seperate stack. The second thread may be at the apex of a deep calling sequence and start returning. Again the queue will be out of order instead of FIFO and may have to be walked for every return. Performance will be sacrificed. If a thread is terminated or a program longjmp()'s, queue entries will reference stale stack frames and persist until the process terminates.

A more refined approach to designing a return-address stack is to add a small hash table in the PCB. Every time a register window needs to be cleansed, the mechanism would add an entry into the hash table (indexed off the base address of the stack frame). And then store the base address to use as the comparison tag, the return pointer, and a random 32-bit number. In the place of the return address in the stack frame, it would place a copy of the random number. When StackGhost retrieves the stack frame to refill the register window, it can compare the random number on the stack with its image in the hash table. If the instances do not match, an exploit has occurred and the program must be aborted. Otherwise, StackGhost fills the register return address with the one stored in the hash table.

A return-address hash table alleviates the performance problems associated with userland threading but does not address the memory leak associated with setjmp and longjmp or a terminated thread. Fortunately, setjmp and longjmp are both assisted by the kernel as a system call. Upon receiving the longjmp syscall, the kernel can walk backwards through the stack until the setjmp location is found, removing the hash entries along the way. An indirect benefit of walking the stack is that it also helps secure the jmpbuf (setjmp storage buffer).

For operating systems other than OpenBSD that support symmetric multiprocessing on Sparc and with kernel managed threads, mutual exclusion would have to be guaranteed at some level on the hash table. A locking primitive per window overflow and underflow handler invocation may prove prohibitivly expensive.

Further testing in a careful multi-user environment would be needed.

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