Important Dates

Paper Submission
June 24, 11:59 PM EST, 2009

Notification of Acceptance
August 10, 2009

Camera Ready Version
August 21, 2009

November 13, 2009

Useful Links

STC 2008

STC 2007

STC 2006

Welcome to STC 2009

Built on the continued success of ACM STC'06, STC'07 and STC'08, this workshop focuses on fundamental technologies of trusted computing (in a broad sense, with or without TPMs) and its applications in large-scale systems -- those involving large number of users and parties with varying degrees of trust. The workshop is intended to serve as a forum for researchers as well as practitioners to disseminate and discuss recent advances and emerging issues.

Invited Speakers for STC 2009

Adrian Perrig

Ernie Brickell

Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, and Computer Science

Chief Security

Carnegie Mellon University Intel Corporation

Please check out the program for further infomration about our distingusied speakers and their talks.

Aug 19, 2009 - Accepeted Papers Posted Here.

Sept 8, 2009 - Preliminary Program Posted Here.